Create an image with Portuguese text to show off and share your Portuguese skills. You can also see how your text looks in different fonts. This image can be used for decoration in a variety of ways, for example as a profile picture, a header, or in a web signature.
You can either copy and paste your text into the box, or you can type directly. Once you have your text entered, you can then choose what format you would like the image to be generated.
This resource has basic and advanced options. Basic options include the ability to change the font size and type, as well as the text color. Advanced options allow you to further customize your experience by changing the background color. If you want to see the advanced options, press "Advanced Options".
With so many options available, you can really make this resource your own!
For the advanced options of Portuguese text, you can select:
When you have created your image, you can save it, download it, and share via Facebook and Twitter or other social media sites.