Lower Case - gosto de viver em viseu. viseu é uma cidade.
Sentence Case - gosto de viver em viseu. Viseu é uma cidade.
Capitalise New Word - Gosto De Viver Em Viseu. Viseu É Uma Cidade.
How to convert Portuguese text into uppercase/lowercase/sentence?

This converter can be used to capitalize and change the case of Portuguese words. This resource works with all Portuguese letters, including accents. The options are making all words uppercase or lowercase, establishing sentence case (all words starting a sentence with a capital letter), or capitalizing the first letter of every word. To change the case of your text simply enter the text and then choose the relevant option. 

This converter gives you the folllowing options, which work in each of the following ways:

  • Upper Case - Making all words uppercase: CAPITAL OF PORTUGAL IS LISBON. LISBON IS BIG.
  • Lower Case - Making all words lowercase: capital of portgual is lisbon. lisbon is big.
  • Sentence Case - All words starting a sentence with a capital letter: Capital of portugal is lisbon. Lisbon is big.
  • Capitalize New Word - Capitalizing the first letter of every new word: Capital Of Portugal Is Lisbon. Lisbon Is Big.

You just need to enter your text and we will do the conversion for you. You can enter hundreds of lines of text. The converter will keep the same spacing for all the text entered. Once the conversion is done, you can just copy and paste the converted text back into your txt file to save it. Give it a try and see for yourself how easy it is to use!


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